Amanda is the sixth poem in the book First Flight Class 10th. Mridultulika has already published its explanatory details with the title Parenting Flaws: Was Amanda a Difficult Girl to Handle?
Student can read the that article for explanatory purpose. This poem is written by Robin Klien [Robin McMaugh Klein]. She is an Australian author of books for children. In this poem, there are twenty-five lines in which each of the 4 stanzas spoken by mother follow AABA rhyme pattern while each of the 3 stanzas spoken by Amanda follow AAA rhyme pattern.
Major theme of this poem is the challenges to handle an adolescent and growing girl. How to deal with the fantasy of a child amidst the practical realities of this world can be considered as the major theme as well?
Question Asked in Board Examinations
- What does Amanda say ‘I am Rapunzel’? What does she promise not to do? [A-2017]
- How is Amanda about the views of a small girl about liberty in India? [B-2017]
- How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know? [A-2018]
- How is the sea portrayed in the poem ‘Amanda’? [B-2018]
- What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? [C-2018]
- What is poem Amanda about? What are the things Amanda is asked to do and not to do? [D-2018, A-2019, A-2020]
- In previous 4 years, there are 8 questions from this poem appeared in board examination. 6 questions are unique with one question was repeated 2 times.
- Question 6 was first appeared in 2018, repeated in 2019 & 2020. Hence this is the only question repeated and repeated twice. Hence student must know the conversation between mother and the daughter. Character-sketch of Amanda is prime topic to learn because every question appeared in the exam has something to do with her.
Year | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Question Came in Code | A, B | A, B, C, D | A | A |
Trends are showing that Code A is the most preferable for Amanda and in year 2018, All the four sets have questions from this poem. Only tip to cover the chapter is to understand fantasy of Amanda and her mother’s views. Major words to remember from this poem are: Slouching, Languid, Rapunzel, Sulking
Fourth paragraph “I am an Orphan ………………………………… freedom is sweet” came in year 2019 Set D. Major synonym was asked for the word Wandering that means Roaming in the text.
Last paragraph “Stop that sulking ……………………………… nagged at you, Amanda!” came in year 2017 Set B and Set D. It also appear in year 2020 Set C. Major synonym were asked for the words Getting Bad Tempered, Quarreled and Annoyed that mean Moody, Nagged & Sulking from the text.
Trends are showing that this poem has good scope for appearing in board examinations. There are still many paragraphs that were never appeared in examinations. In upcoming examination, passage can come with 3 lines i.e. paragraphs having Mermaid or Rapunzel details.
Following is the text taken by NCERT First Flight for Class X and analysis is carried out on the basis of Board of School Education, Haryana previous year question papers. Read the Text of the chapter for enhancing reading and speaking skills.