Mijbil the Otter is the 8th Chapter from the Book First Flight Class 10th. This is one of the chapters from the Class X English Core that is dealing with animals. Madam Rides the Bus is another chapter having an instance of a cow in the chapter.
Mijbil the Otter is written by Gavin Maxwell. He is a Scottish Writer and very fond of animals. This is his personal viewpoints on animals especially Otter. Otter is usually not a pet in ordinary household. But he made An Otter his pet animal.
Through a travelogue to Iraq, Author finds that many Iraqi people has an otter as pet. He also decided to make otter as his pet animal. After the death of his dog, he describes his life as lonely. Whole story revolves around the experience of author with otter.
Question asked in Board Examinations
- Describe the experience of Gavin Maxwell with the otter in the aircraft? [C-2017]
- From where Maxwell get an otter? [B-2017]
- How did Maxwell get an otter? Did he like it? How did you said that? [B-2018]
- How did the author managed to travel with the otter? [A-2019, B-2020]
- When did the author decided to have an otter as a pet? How did he get an otter? [C-2019]
- Why was the otter named as Maxwell Otter? [D-2019, A-2020]
- What arrangements did Maxwell made to carry otter into an aircraft? What happened with it in the aircraft? [B-2020]
Following is an analysis of the chapter:
- In previous 4 years, there are 9 questions that came in the board examinations & only 2 questions were repeated in previous 4 years.
- By close observation, you will find that maximum questions asked in board examinations are explanatory in nature i.e. 5 marks. Question 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7 are explanatory. Hence all students must prepare this chapter from explanatory point of view. Weak students having difficulty in sentence formation must avoid this chapter initially.
- Question 4 & 6 were repeated only; but questions asked in 2017 & 2018 were never repeated.
- If we analyze the concept of question being asked by Board – experience of author with an otter in aircraft during his trip from Iraq to London is most important. Maximum questions revolves around this topic. All students must prepare his area necessarily.
- Question 6 has a scientific temperament. This is one of the questions repeated in 2020. Zoological name of Otter is Lutrogale perspicilliata maxwelli i.e. Maxwell Otter. Student must learn this term also.
Whole concept of this chapter is to learn about the behavior, habitat and nature of an animal. Hence all students must learn that otter lived in Marshes. Author finds his otter in Tigris Marshes from Iraq.
Comprehension Part
With the opening of that sack …………………………………………….. his true colors. [D-2017] Major synonym were asked for the word A Large Bag and the word Came which means Sack and Emerged from the text.
The days passed peacefully ………………………………………………………………………….. a hurried meal. [B-2019] Major synonym were asked for the word Was in a great fear of possibility and the word Get used to of something which means Dreaded and Accustomed from the text.
There were squawks ………………………………………………………… and my neck. [D-2020] Major synonym was asked for the word Fat which means Portly from the text.
Following is the text taken by NCERT First Flight for Class X and analysis is carried out on the basis of Board of School Education, Haryana previous year question papers. Read the Text of the chapter for enhancing reading and speaking skills.