A Letter to God is the first chapter from the book First Flight in class 10th. We will analyze this short story from board examination viewpoints.
A Letter to God is based on the theme of faith. Faith is a belief system on some supernatural powers that controls the destiny of people.
I have analyzed this short-story from board examination point of view. Previous 4 years board-examination question papers are analyzed to provide a suitable data to our students.
Read More: Lencho was a spiritual man? i Doubt
Question asked in Board Examinations
- Why did Lencho write a letter to God? Did he get any help? If yes, by whom?
- Why did Lencho keep gazing at the sky? [C-2017]
- Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it? [C-2018]
- Why does the post-master send the money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?
- Why and how did the postmaster and post-office employee help Lencho? What was Lencho reaction? [A-2019]
- How did the rain changes? What happened to Lencho’s fields? [C-2020]
- Write the story of Lencho’s faith in God?
First question ‘Why did Lencho write a letter to God? Did he get any help? If yes, by whom?‘ was asked in Code D year 2017. The same question was repeated in Code D year 2018 and Code B year 2020.
Likewise the 4th question ‘Why does the post-master send the money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?‘ was first appeared in Code D year 2019. This question was repeated in Code A year 2020.
Another most important question ‘Write the story of Lencho’s faith in God?’ was first asked in Code D year 2020.
Technically whole story revolves around how hail-storm destroyed his harvest? How a devastated and worried Lencho writes a letter to God asking for 100 Pesos? was that really his faith?
When an ordinary student will understand the true meaning of faith, he can answer all questions of the chapter. Hyper-links are provided for all the important questions of this chapter.
If any student prepare the above stated questions, he may become capable to manage scores in upcoming board examinations.
Comprehension Part
This is one of the most important chapters from comprehension point of view. In year 2017, 2018 and 2020 [Code A and Code C], comprehension was from A Letter to God.
Major synonym that were asked from this chapters are:
- Hard-Working Man [An Ox of a Man]
- In the Early Morning [Day-Break]
- Soul [Conscience]
- Kind and Good Nature [Amiable]
Following is the text taken by NCERT First Flight for Class X and analysis is carried out on the basis of Board of School Education, Haryana previous year question papers. Read the Text of the chapter for enhancing reading and speaking skills.