Animals is the seventh poem in the book First Flight Class 10th. This poem was taken from Song of Myself from Leaves of Grass. Non-Conformist approach of the poet is also viable in this poem.
It was written by Walt Whitman, An American Poet. This poem is written in Free Verse – no rhyme pattern and metrical metres are present in this poem. It is stated that human birth is a gift by nature but Walt Whitman broke this notion and wants to be like animal. This may sound strange but his arguments in the poem are enough to prove his statement correct.
Major theme of this beautifully crafted poem is to compare human beings with animals. He is trying not to justify the goodness of animals but to show depravity of human beings.
Important Points from Animals
- Whenever anybody committed any brutal crime, we used a metaphor ‘Animal’ for such person.
He is not a human, he is an animal.
2. Walt Whitman is critical to such statements. He found animals serene and true to their nature. A lion is a predator, it is quite natural for him to kill other animals and feed himself. He has no sense of regret for his deeds. He is true with his nature. But human being is full of complaints. They are never satisfied.
3. Animals has not created God. They have nothing to pray. They never weep for their sins, indeed they do not know about sin. But human beings – irrespective of God and its scriptures, openly disregard the existence.
Question Asked in Board Examinations
- To whom Whitman compare man and why? [A-2017]
- Why does poet wants to live with the animals? [B-2017]
- What is the central idea of the poem? [D-2017, C-2018]
- Write the theme of the poem? [A-2018]
- What are the things that human do but animals don’t. Does it make the poet sick? [B-2018, B-2019, A-2020]
- Why does poet want to leave the company of human beings and live with animals? [D-2019]
- In previous 4 years, there are 9 questions from this poem came in board examinations. 6 questions are unique and 2 questions were repeated.
- Question 3 was repeated in 2018 after 2017 while question 5 was repeated in 2019 and 2020 after 2018.
- Student must knows the 3 habits that human do but animals don’t. This understanding will help students answer variety of questions. Basic idea of this poem is to compare human deeds with animals.
- In upcoming examinations, these questions can be asked through the summary of the poem. Also trends are showing that Code B and Code D was most preferable codes for this poem.
Year | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Question Came in Code | A, B, D | A, B, C | B, D | D |
This is the most important poem from comprehension point of view. All students must prepare this poem from this angle. Practice as much as you can.
- “So they show their …………………………………………………………………. in their possession” – This passage came in Year 2017 Code C. Major synonyms were asked for the words Signs and Under someone’s possession that mean Token and Possession from the text.
- “I think i could turn …………………………………………………………………. long and long” – This passage came in Year 2018 Code B and Year 2020 Code D . No Major synonyms asked.
- “They do not whine …………………………………………………………………. duty to God” – This passage came in year 2019 Code A Major synonyms was asked for the word Complain that means Whine from the text.
- “Not one is dissatisfied …………………………………………………………………. the whole earth” – This passage came in year 2019 Code D. Major synonyms was asked for the word Obsession that means Mania from the text.
Trends are showing that in previous 4 years, 5 comprehension has come. Hence students also learn important phrases like ‘Token of myself’, ‘Evince them plainly in their possession’, ‘Mania of owing things’ & ‘So placid and self contained’.
Following is the text taken by NCERT First Flight for Class X and analysis is carried out on the basis of Board of School Education, Haryana previous year question papers. Read the Text of the chapter for enhancing reading and speaking skills.