World Bicycle Day is celebrated all across the world on June 3rd. Resolution to celebrate World Bicycle Day was adopted by United Nations General Assembly on 12th April 2018.
Why We Celebrate World Bicycle Day?
Health is the growing concern in the world today. Depression & mental ailments are engulfing the precious lives. Heart failures and other heart related diseases are also rising at an alarming rate.
Secondly, Paris Accord is all about to reduce the green house gases emission into the atmosphere. United Nations believes that Bicycle is cost-effective and environmental fit vehicle for safe transportation.
There are plenty of people on the globe that can never afford cars and other costly vehicles but bicycle is the best vehicle that not only provide them a medium of transport but also it will help them maintaining their health. Bicycle is simple, affordable, reliable and clean mode of transport.

A sustainable transport system that promotes economic growth, reduces inequalities while bolstering the fight against climate change is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
This statement by United Nations speaks the volume. 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted in 2015 by countries to protect the planet from poverty. SDG-3 and SDG-7 speaks for health and clean energy. Bicycle is one of the tools in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of health and clean energy.
Theme of World Bicycle Day 2021
“Uniqueness, versatility, longevity of the bicycle and simple, sustainable, affordable, reliable, means of transportation”
Final Words
Mridultulika is appealing all citizens of this globe to also adopt Bicycle as their preferred mode of transport. United Nations observance of various days are meant to aware people on the issue of concern. Climate change is a growing concern and pandemic has made health as the prime concern. Bicycle is useful for our heart and health.