Lost Spring is an excerpt from the book of author Anees Jung titled Lost Spring, Stories of Stolen Childhood. This is the second chapter in the English Core XII book Flamingo.
This chapter has two stories dealing with the circumstances of poverty and politics in which life of children get spoiled. Reading the chapter is enough to experience the goosebumps. This chapter is dealing with certain traditions which condemn these children to a life of exploitation.
One of the stories is dealing with a boy named Saheb-e-Alam i.e. Lord of the Universe. These is a huge contradiction with the meaning of the name of the boy and his work for livelihood. He is a rag-picker. Originally a migrant from Dhaka, presently living in the drastic conditions at Seema Puri, New Delhi.
Second story is dealing with a boy named Mukesh. He is from a family of bangle-makers at Ferozabad. Pathetic conditions of colorful bangle makers, nexus of politician and police, exploitation of the poor bangle makers and unachievable desire of Mukesh is the main content of this part of the story.
If we closely contemplate both stories, we find a contrast. Lord of Universe is bound to work as a rag-picker and makers of colorful bangles are living in the most pathetic conditions.
Saheb has desire to wear new tennis shoes but someone gives him his discarded shoes. Later in his life, he starts working at a tea-stall with 800/- as salary and all his meals. “The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulder” – has deeper meaning for Saheb.
Mukesh has a desire to become a motor mechanic. He has dream and desire for cars. “He will go to a garage and learn. But the garage is a long way from his home” – is enough to understand how difficult his desire to be achieved.
Major theme of these stories is to understand the plight of children. Lost childhood is the most heinous crime towards humanity, as stated by Anees Jung. In this article, we are presenting the previous four years board examination’s question paper. Students can access the trend of questions.

Question Asked in Board Examinations
- What makes the city Ferozabad famous for? [A-2017, 2 Marks]
- Where has Saheb came from? [B-2017, 2 Marks]
- Mention the hazards of working in the glass making industry? [C-2017, 2 Marks]
- What is Saheb looking for the garbage dumps? Where is he and where has he come from? [D-2017, B-2018, 2 Marks each time]
- “It is his Karma, his destiny that made Mukesh grandfather go blind.” How did Mukesh disprove this notion by choosing a new vocation and making his own destiny? [A-2018, 5 Marks]
- How can Mukesh realize his dreams? [C-2018, 2 Marks]
- Why is Mukesh father a failed man? [C-2018, 2 Marks]
- Does Saheb remember his native land? [D-2018, 2 Marks]
- How is Mukesh attitude to his situation different from that of his family? [A-2019, 2 Marks]
- A bangle maker of Ferozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but they live and die in a squalor? Elaborate. [B-2019, 5 Marks]
- Would you agree that promises made to poor children are poorly kept? Why do you think this happen in the incidents narrated in the text? [C-2019, 2 Marks]
- What did the writer see when Mukesh took her to his home? [D-2019, D-2020, 5 Marks]
- How does the writer describes Seema Puri, place in periphery of New Delhi? [A-2020, 5 Marks]
- Write a brief note about the town of Ferozabad? [B-2019, 5 Marks]
- What forces conspire to keep the workers in bangle industry of Ferozabad in poverty? [C-2019, 2 Marks]
In previous 4 years, 4 sets of examination each year – 16 sets have come and 17 times, questions from this chapter have appeared to students. Appearance of this chapter is 106.25% in board examination and that makes it one of the most important chapters in Flamingo from examination points of view.
Two question [Question no. 4, Question no. 12] repeated 2 times. 4th question first appeared in 2017 and repeated in 2018 & 12th question first appeared in 2019 and repeated in 2020. Repetition of question from this chapter is only 13.33% that makes this chapter unique in framing questions
Out of 17 questions, 11 question are of 2 marks and 6 question are of 5 marks. Part of Flamingo carries 20 marks in each set i.e. 320 marks in 4 years. This chapter has the value of 52+ 15 marks of comprehension in previous 4 years board examinations i.e. 20.93% of the total Flamingo.
There are 15 unique questions in previous 4 years board examinations. It is surprising that 10 questions are alone related to Mukesh, Ferozabad or glass making industry while only 4 questions are related to Saheb with one question is of critical analysis.
There are 5 unique essay type question in which 4 questions are related to Mukesh and one question is asked about Seema Puri. Hence it is clear that story of Mukesh, his family, glass making industry is always on top for board examination. Student must learn all these concepts well for high success rate in examination.
This chapter has lots of potential for creative and critical thinking hence all students must learn this chapter from analytical point of view. Students can collect news of child labor, child abuse or law related to children for more elaborate understanding of the text.
Suggestion from Ajay Lilrain
“I remember a story ………………………………………………………. remain shoe-less.” This comprehension was asked in A-2017. These comprehensions carries 5 marks. Major synonym were asked Ruin and Breathing Heavily that means Desolation and Panting from the text.
“Saheb too is wearing ………………………………………………………. out of his reach.” This was asked in B-2018. No major synonym or antonym were asked.
“Savita, a young girl ………………………………………………………. become a bride.” This was asked in D-2018. No major synonym or antonym were asked.
This chapter is a mine of literary devices. This chapter has hyperbole, Metaphor, Simile and paradox in many words. Couple of words are discussed in this chapter. You can read the text of the chapter and identify such literary devices. Please share your finding in the comment box. We will appreciate your work.